Why There’s No Shame in Being Called an SEO Specialist

Why There’s No Shame in Being Called an SEO Specialist

Why There’s No Shame in Being Called an SEO Specialist Let me tell you a secret. I used to be embarrassed to tell people that I do SEO.  Back then, SEO had a reputation that was somewhat tarnished by black hat tactics, like keyword stuffing, hidden text, link farming,...
To SEO or Not to SEO? That Is the Question

To SEO or Not to SEO? That Is the Question

To SEO or Not to SEO? That Is the Question I’ve found that business owners have a love-hate relationship with search engine optimisation (SEO). Or more accurately, a “don’t-understand-so-I’m-going-to-ignore-it” relationship. They know it exists; they...
The SEO Advantage of Small Businesses

The SEO Advantage of Small Businesses

The SEO Advantage of Small Businesses When the topic of Search Engine Optimisation or SEO gets tossed around, you, as a small business owner, might be tempted to shrug it off. Perhaps you’ve questioned its effectiveness. After all, it might just be another...