
A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Marketing

Published on April 27, 2023


We’ve all witnessed the rapid growth and influence of digital media in our daily lives. Tweets go viral every day. Hundreds of blog posts are published every hour. A new TikTok star rises to fame after just one video. Embracing digital marketing is not just a smart move; it’s a necessity for anyone looking to make their mark in the modern digital landscape.

So what is digital marketing? Digital marketing, at its core, refers to the various strategies and tactics used to promote products, services, or brands through online channels. This encompasses a wide range of techniques, from search engine optimisation (SEO) and content marketing to social media and email marketing. 

Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing

Knowing the difference between digital and traditional marketing is crucial in determining the best approach to reach your target audience. 

Traditional marketing includes tactics like print advertising, billboards, television, and radio, while digital marketing encompasses strategies such as content marketing, SEO, social media, pay-per-click ads, email newsletters, automation, and influencer marketing.

Aspect Digital Marketing Traditional Marketing
Advantage Real-time tracking and analysis of data Limited opportunities to measure success
Targeting Precise targeting of demographics, interests, behaviours Broad targeting, less precise
Personalisation Highly personalised and relevant experiences Less personalised, more generic
Cost and Accessibility Lower entry costs, accessible to SMEs in Australia Higher budgets, often less accessible to SMEs in Australia
Flexibility Easy to adjust campaigns based on performance Limited flexibility once campaigns are launched
Reach Global reach, easily connects with audiences worldwide Limited to regional or local reach, depending on medium
Engagement Two-way communication, direct interaction with customers One-way communication, limited customer engagement


What Are the Basics of Digital Marketing?



1) Content Marketing

As the name implies, content marketing is all about producing valuable, relevant, and engaging content to attract readers. This is a relatively cheap but effective way to build awareness. By creating blog posts, how-to guides, or compelling videos, you can effectively demonstrate your knowledge and position your brand as a thought leader.

Creating shareable content increases the chances of it being shared on social media and thus further expands your reach. As your content gains traction, it can lead to increased website traffic, higher search engine rankings, and more opportunities for sales and lead generation. Here’s how:

  • Cater to the needs of your target audience and spark their interest. 
  • Provide real value such as helpful tips, insightful information, or a fresh perspective on a topic.
  • Use storytelling techniques to make your content pieces more relatable and human.
  • Capture the reader’s attention with compelling headlines. A captivating title can make all the difference in whether someone clicks on your website and shares your page.

2) Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is the process of optimising all of your website’s pages to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). 

For businesses in Australia, a strong SEO strategy can be a game-changer, as it helps attract people from your local area without the need for expensive advertising campaigns. By focusing on keyword research, on-page optimisation, and quality backlinks, you can improve your site’s visibility in search results, making it easier for prospects to find you. For example, if you’re promoting an e-commerce store based in the Southern Highlands (e.g., Bowral, Moss Vale, Mittagong, Exeter, and so forth), we recommend investing in local SEO campaigns to attract more buyers near you.

Investing in SEO marketing can lead to long-term benefits. Unlike paid advertising, where you need to continuously invest in ad placements, the results of a successful SEO strategy persist over time, creating a sustainable source of organic traffic and leads.

Pro tip: SEO allows your small business to compete with larger organisations that have bigger marketing budgets.  

Related article: What Is SEO in Digital Marketing? 2023 Guide

3) Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can be a powerful tool to generate leads at a relatively low cost. By creating good stuff, you can grow a community of loyal followers who are more likely to become customers and brand advocates.

The best part about social media is that you can engage directly with your audience. This two-way communication is an avenue for you to gather feedback, address concerns, and provide excellent customer service.

Pro tip: Share social media content that links back to your website to boost your SEO performance.

4) Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is like the paid version of SEO. In other words, PPC means investing in paid ads to promote your website on search engines, like Google and Bing. 

By bidding on specific keywords related to your products or services, your ads will appear at the very top of search results, increasing the likelihood that users will click through to your site. You’ll only pay when a user clicks on your ad.

Don’t worry – you can set daily or monthly spending limits.

Pro tip: PPC marketing can complement other digital marketing strategies, such as SEO and content marketing. A multifaceted approach ensures that your brand has a well-rounded online presence that reaches a wide range of potential customers.

6) Email Marketing

Arguably the most cost-effective strategy, email marketing is a great way to build brand loyalty and drive sales. When you craft personalised and targeted email campaigns, you can keep your brand top-of-mind and encourage repeat business.

This is the only digital marketing channel where you own your audience. These people chose to give their email addresses to you, so don’t take their trust for granted.

7) Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is an underrated digital marketing strategy. By using software to automate repetitive marketing tasks and processes (e.g., email marketing, social media posting, lead management), you can save time, resources, and hours spent staring at a screen.

One example is Manifest Solutions, an all-in-one client relationship management (CRM) platform. It has built-in analytics tools that help you make data-driven decisions and personalised experiences for your customers. With automation in place, you can easily manage larger audiences and more complex campaigns without the need for a larger marketing budget.

8) Influencer Marketing

Networking with influencers can help you reach new audiences, especially if your chosen influencer has a highly engaged and loyal following that trusts their recommendations. Keep in mind that while some influencers may command high fees, there are many micro-influencers with smaller, yet highly engaged followings who may be more affordable.

Must-Have Skills for Digital Marketing

In the digital marketing industry, there can be a lot to grapple with if you don’t focus your attention on the areas that matter most to a business. These are our top five technical skills that we believe are non-negotiable for any marketing specialist: 

  • Data analysis and interpretation: All your decisions should be grounded on data, not gut feel or guesswork.
  • SEO: You should be familiar with the best practices for optimising website content, structure, and performance to drive organic traffic.
  • Social media management: Just because you’ve been on Facebook since you were 13, it doesn’t mean that you’re proficient in managing and growing social media accounts. 
  • Content creation: This entails a keen eye for detail. You should know how to develop high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that ultimately drives customer action.
  • Paid advertising management: Hone in on optimizing paid advertising campaigns (e.g., Google Ads, Facebook Ads).

Become a Global Brand With the Right Digital Marketing Strategy

Put another way, embracing digital marketing means committing to a long game. You won’t see results immediately. While it’s understandable you want to capitalise on viral content, short-term success can dwindle just as fast.

At Manifest Website Design, we understand the importance of a well-executed digital marketing strategy, especially for Australian businesses. Time and time again, we’ve helped hundreds of websites maximise their online potential – allow us to do the same for you. Learn more about our SEO services today.



About the Author

Ana is a Content Manager specialising in digital marketing, SEO, and meaningful stories. Her byline is often found 3,000 feet above sea level.

After hours, Ana enjoys psych thrillers, reading, dying in video games, and having a good conversation. You can reach out to her on LinkedIn.